Two excerpts from Symphony No. 1, 4th Mvmt., arr. for alto & bass recorders
from: G. Mahler (1860-1911)
Originally for full orchestra. 1. The first excerpt starts at m. 175, transposed down a half step from Db major. Michael Steinberg says of this tune, after the extraordinary “bolt of lightning” (Mahler’s own term) of the opening: “The ensuing violence is suspended for some magical minutes as Mahler gives us the gift—in the soft pillows of D-flat major—of one of his most inspired lyric melodies.” From “The Symphony: A Listener’s Guide”, Oxford University Press 1995, p. 283. 2. The second excerpt is from m. 631 to the end, originally in D major, transposed here to C. It includes the indication ”Triumphal,” which sums up the whole excerpt.
2 Excerpts from Symphony No. 1, 4th Mvmt. arr. for alto & bass recorders
3 pp.