Homage to Bach (and the 3rd Section of his Organ Fantasia, BWV 572) and an anonymous Zen poet, for two alto recorders who must also sing, and bass recorder
from: Music composed by Arranger/Composer/Webmaster Jay Scheide
This trio begins with swing eighths which change to even eighths later on. It should be noted that all three instruments play florid lines alternately and also all together. Then in the last ten bars, the two alto recorder players lay down their instruments and sing, to the accompaniment of the bass recorder, a short setting of an anonymous Japanese Waka, a particular sort of Zen poem, in English translation. It should be sung in whatever octave each singer prefers. It is recommended that each player have a copy of the full score, or two can share. Note that this trio is not included in the Set of Five Trios. Revised 5.17.20.
Trio in Homage to Bach, etc.
3 pp.