Excerpts from Sports et divertissements arr. for alto recorder—doubling C instrument—& keyboard
from: E. Satie (1866-1925)
Seven items excerpted from the multi-media piece for solo piano. 1. “La Chasse” (Hunting), 2. “Le Réveil de la mariée” (The Awakening of the Bride), 3. “La Comédie Italienne” (Commedia dell' Arte), 4. Le Pique-nique (Picnic), 5. “Le Bain de mer” (Sea Bathing), 6. “Le Water-chute” (The Water-slide), for tenor or soprano switching to alto, and 7. “Les Courses” (Racing) for tenor or soprano. There is only a full score provided, which must be printed twice, since the recorder player must follow the keyboard player and have their own copy of the score. Revised 12.17.21.
Keyboard parts include separate recorder parts at no additional cost.
Satie Sports Excerpts
5 pp.