Aria, “Des Vaters Stimme ließ sich hören,” from Cantata 7
from: J.S. Bach - Cantatas
This is an exceptional piece from the baroque period on this site in that it goes above c6 to g6 in the keyboard part. The fourth number in the cantata, it is originally for tenor, 2 violins concertante and continuo in a minor, transposed here to c. Because of the pervasive triplets, I believe the duple music should be assimilated to the triplets, and have lined it up that way. However, it may also be played as written. Title means, "The Father's voice let itself be heard."
Keyboard parts include separate recorder parts at no additional cost.
Aria, “Des Vaters Stimme ließ sich hören,” from Cantata 7
10+2 pp.